Ce inseamna


Nu stiu sigur daca sunt,sau nu le gasesc.Poate posta un moderator sau cineva un dictionar cu:
ce inseamna:
si toate celelalte penalizari sau prescurtari?Multumesc aniticipat


Sau poate traduce cineva,nu am gasit ce vroiam exact

Units / Buildings
Spies = Scouts
LC/lcav/light horses = Light Cavalry
SC/scav/heavy horses = Heavy Cavalry
nobles = noblemen
HQ = Headquarters
Attack terms
def = Defensive army
off = Offensive army
def village = A villages that is used for recruiting a defensive village
Off village = A village that is used for recruiting an offensive army
farming/raiding/plundering= Attacking other villages to get their resources
clear = kill all troops in a village
bashing = repeated attacks on the same person/target to keep it from rebuilding or to clear for a noble
nobling = Taking over another village by attacking that village multiple times with a noblemen. (Lowering the loyalty to under 0)
prenobling = Lowering the Loyalty of a village with your own noblemen so that another player only needs to send one attack (due to distance or availability of noblemen)
Fakes = Sending just one unit on a player to "confuse" the player
timing = Setting multiple attacks from one or more player so that they hit at the same time
suiciding = killing your own troops knowing they'll die to clear farm space or to give your village away
blocking a noble = Timing the defense on a village so that the clearing troops hit before the defense arrives, but the noble attacks arrive after the defense
Spike = Supporting a village that is abandoned or known to be empty to kill incoming attacks of the raiding players.
center = inner circle of the map
rim = outer circle of the map
100/100/50 = 100 Spear/ 100 Sword/ 50 heave Cavalry (Short version when asking for defense)
Techs = Technology levels of your units
Sniping = Sending a noble to either take an already taken village or taking a village that someone else was in the process of taking
Early warning system/Tripwire = A network of players stationing troops in each others villages to be informed of attacks as soon as they hit.
NAP = No attack Pact
TW = Tribal Wars
STW = Speed Tribal Wars (A server that has short rounds with much higher speed)
RL = Real Life
PA = Premium Account
IGM = In Game Message
noob = negative word for new players
Simcity player / Turtles = negative word for players concentrating on defense
Multi = A player that plays more than one account per world (and breaks the rules by that)
24/7 = having an account that is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Usually by playing with multiple people in one account.
Forum and Chat language
Pm = Private message
idk = I don't know
np = no problem
thx = Thanks
imo = in my opinion
imho = in my humble opinion
afaik = as far as i know
*g* = grins
rofl= rolling on floor laughing
lol = laughing out loud
\o/ = laughing out very loud
<3 = I love you
k = okay
kk = "okay" or "no comment"
nc = no comment
kewl = cool
^^= raised eyebrows
Wayne? = who cares
w0rd/wOrd/word = so true
OMG = Oh my God!
OT = Off Topic
B2T = Back to Topic


Am incercat,dar nu am reusit sa traduc tot,decat sa fac ceva gresit,mai bine nu fac.Ma ajuta cineva?


5. Pedepse

5.1. Incalcarea regulilor duce in prima faza la avertisment. Mai multe avertismente pot duce la banarea de pe forum, temporara sau permanenta.

5.2.Crearea altor conturi pentru a scapa de inchiderea contului este interzisa si se sanctioneaza cu inchiderea conturilor respective.

5.3. In cazuri extreme se pot inchide direct atat contul de pe forum, cat si cel de pe joc.

5.4. Membrilor forumului le este interzis sa editeze sau sa stearga modificarile moderatorilor in mesajul pentru care au primit avertisment.

Nu stiu ce te'a apucat...



Spamming (sau spam) este procesul de expediere a mesajelor electronice nesolicitate, de cele mai multe ori cu caracter comercial, de publicitate pentru produse şi servicii dubioase, practicată în industria e-marketingului şi de proprietarii de situri pornografice. Spam-ul se distinge prin caracterul agresiv, repetat şi prin privarea de dreptul la opţiune.
Un mesaj care vine în urma consimţământului exprimat în prealabil de destinatar nu este spam. Detalii legale referitoare la spam sunt prevăzute în ”Legea 506 din 17 noiembrie 2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi protecţia vieţii private în sectorul comunicaţiilor electronice” (Art. 12).


Termenul Spam a apărut mai întâi pe grupurile de discuţii USENET, cu referire la EMP (Excessive Multi Posting) şi ECP (Excessive Cross Posting). Astăzi este folosit şi pentru a descrie UBE (Unsolicited Bulk E-mail) şi UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail).



In internet, pe forumuri si in jocurile MMORPG, gazda (reprezentata aici de echipa de administrare a forumului/jocului) poate avea optiunea de "a bana" jucatorii (sau userii de pe forum) care nu respecta regulile. In momentul in care este banat, utilizatorul (detinatorul contului) nu mai poate juca/posta. Cateodata, isi creeaza alte conturi pentru a continua sa incalce regulile, iar in acest caz, adresa IP poate fi restrictionata la conectarea la server.
Banarea (numita si 'blocare' or 'ban permanent') este un termen uzual in cultura internetului.

Sursa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_(law)#Banning_in_games_and_Internet_Forums

Definitia pentru BAN era in engleza, eventualele greseli de traducere (si adaptarea) imi apartin si mi le asum.