- speed


Buna ziua,

In mai putin de 1h30min, mai exact la ora noastra 18:00, incepe un speed pe
Nu am mai jucat de minim 3-4 ani, si mi-e dor :) daca vrea cineva sa se alature, e binevenit.


#2584 x400
Start: Sunday, 14/06/15 16:00
End: Sunday, 14/06/15 20:00
Description: Caution: Noblemen travel a maximum distance of 75 fields.

Increased starting build: Level 3 Timber camp, Level 3 Clay pit, Level 3 Iron mine.
20 minutes beginner protection. Ratio protection active for the first 40 minutes (10 per cent).
Paladin active (no items)
Archers active.
Simple tech smithy.
Fake limit active. Minimum attack force is 1 per cent of village points.
Barbs and advanced bonus villages grow to 1500 points.
Coin academy.
5-member tribe limit. No attacking tribemates. No leaving tribe. No outside support.
Ability to choose starting direction.
Militia active to maximum 2 villages. Duration 1.0 hours.
Requirements for victory:
Speed: 400
Unit speed: 0.4
Sleep mode: No
Account sitting: No
Morale: Yes

baD rullz

Scor reacție
Haideti pe speed . :D

Start : 12:00 | 15.06.2015

Viteza : 200

Premii : Locul 1 : 200 premium points. Jucatorii din tribul de pe locul 1 : 30 premium points fiecare. Jucatorii din tribul de pe primul loc trebuie sa aibe cel putin 25 sate si sa fie in top 50.

Fermieri activi
5 membrii in trib,nu se poate parasii,atacuri in trib vizite.
Cercetare pe nivele (max 15).

Eu va astept acolo :D