War between ALP and Arakis


TheDukeSD also asked me to post this message.

It's very funny.
Let's see a very nice attack. A player with 4000+ points is atacking TheDukeSD. TheDukeSD is a player with 500- points.

Origine: valea izei (647|519) K56
Jucãtor: isabel
Sosire: mâine la ora 06:46
Sosire în:: 9:14:27

Jucãtor isabel
Puncte: 4.168
Rang: 5221
Trib: Arakis
» Scrie un mesaj
» Invitaþie în trib

Sate Coordonate Puncte
valea izei 647|519 4.168

Jucãtor TheDukeSD
Puncte: 474
Rang: 14983
Trib: ALP
» Scrie un mesaj

Sate Coordonate Puncte
isabel's death 666|611 474

And the result:

Titlu isabel atacã isabel's death
Expediat 20.08.07 06:46
Apãrãtorul a câºtigat
Noroc (din punctul de vedere al agresorului)

Moral: 65%

Bonus de noapte pentru apãrãtori

Agresor: isabel
Sat: valea izei (647|519) K56

Numãr: 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pierderi: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Apãrãtor: TheDukeSD
Sat: isabel's death (666|611) K66

Numãr: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pierderi: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

It's obvious the isabel is a very "good" player. As you all can see she is attacking a 474 points player when she have 4168. Probably she is frustrated about the fact the she is unable to conquer players with 2000+ points, soo she pick players with less then 500 points and she attack them.


or maybe she is spying to see if she has to destroy first a small army or she can directly farm the village...
si limba romana unde e?


Sa farmezi la peste 10 ore distanta si de pe alt continent?!?!? Sincer nu am mai vazut asa ceva! M-am dus intr-un trib dar asta nu inseamna ca razboiul cu ei s-a terminat. Daca prind pe vreunul de la ei langa mine il aranjez :D .