World 17

  • Autor subiect DeletedUser706
  • Data de început
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Pentru impatimiti de joc de pe varianta internationala maine va avea startul al WORLD 17 .
Tribul RO va continua sa recruteze jucatori romani in dorinta de a crea o puternica comunitate romaneasca unita in acest servar .
Prezenta noastra a fost si este semnificativa in diferite WORLDuri .
Speram sa creem un grup bun , un trib puternic si in acest WORLD
Datele lumii sunt :

It is time to open our next world.

World 15 and world 16 were more specialized worlds due to their speed, so this time the new world has to come a bit sooner than usually.

World 17 will be speed 1, and it will have all the new settings. This will be a world targetted at new players again as the last 2 worlds were more interesting for players that have been played before.
The settings will be the same as world 13.

World start will be on thursday (March 20th) between 13:00 and 15:00


Speed: 1
Unit speed: 1
paladin: yes
archers: yes
weapon chamber: yes
Growing villages: yes
beginner protection: 5 days
Academy: Coins
Smithy: One level per technology
Tribe member limit: 100
Scouts: depending on surviving amount resources, units in the village and buildings can be scouted. Units outside the village cannot be scouted.

Good luck to everyone


In mod normal am fi dorit ca prezenta noastra sa fi e in zona SV
dar nu stim siguri daca se va permite alegerea zonei.
In unele WORLD uri nu s a permis.
Limita de trib este de 100 si nu intentionam sa infintam din nou ca in W9 , 20 de academii ..

Va asteptam



RO was founded in WORLD 1 of TRIBAL WARS



Romania is a country in Southeastern Europe. It shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the northeast, and Bulgaria to the south. Romania has a stretch of sea coast along the Black Sea. It is located roughly in the lower basin of the Danube and almost all of the Danube Delta is located within its territory.

Romania has the 9th largest territory and the 7th largest population (with 22 million people) among the European Union member states. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest, the 6th largest city in the EU with almost 2.2 million people.

The name of Romania (România) comes from Român (Romanian) which is a derivative of the word Romanus ("Roman") from Latin. The fact that Romanians have said the name is a derivative of Romanus (Romanian: Român/Rumân) is mentioned as early as the 16th century by many authors, including Italian Humanists travelling in Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia.


Tribe ROMANIA RO was foundet in World 1 [begin a game ]...

RO a recreate in W9 .

RO it is a not exclusively tribe for one nationality or language .

RO NO exclude other players because of their nationality.



io vin sigur, daca ma primitzi bineintzeles. da vreau drepturi de intemeietor si cate 1000 resurse zilnic de la fiecare. plus totzi paladinii si lunetistii la mine in sat.

acu' pe serioase. vin daca ma primitzi. and here we go again: da cu drepturi.....


Daca stiti sa comunicati si sa jucati in echipa vin si eu. Dar daca este fiecare pentru el. Mai bine o las balta :D
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