Thread for foreigners

  • Autor subiect Malignantlyhuman
  • Data de început
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Yes, I could never do as well on a world as I am doing over here on w5 :D
Also the noobs over here are more fun to farm. :)
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hai ma las-o cu engleza asta de balta k nu tine...iti place sa t dai in spectacol
am gasit postari facute d tine in cea mai pur romaneasca limba
uite cateva dintre ele:

-ataca-ma cu tot ce ai, vei vedea ca nu exagerez

-Pe, fiecare lume are un thread sticky cu mesaje amuzante

-Întrebare: Multiple accounts
16.03.08 13:24
Buna ziua,
Va rog sa verificati daca acele persoane care imi trimit mesaje sa nu il mai atac pe prietenul lor nu sunt cumva aceeasi persoana care are mai multe conturi? sunt foarte suspicios.

SAL werstef 16.03.08 13:13
SAL werstefan 16.03.08 13:10
SAL werstefs 16.03.08 13:08
SAL HIPOCRAT 16.03.08 13:06
SAL IROHN 16.03.08 13:05
SAL TZAKI 16.03.08 13:04
SAL MACHETZY 16.03.08 13:03
sal MAKETZY 16.03.08 13:01

Stil 16.03.08 14:27
Bunã ziua Malignantlyhuman,

Vã mulþumim pentru sesizare.
Am verificat cele indicate de dumneavoastrã ºi se confirmã. Conturile au fost închise pânã la luarea masurilor ce se impun.

Distracþie plãcutã în continuare,

Team Triburile

Tribul acesta mamut a dorit razboi, asa ca am trimis un bilet de suport

-Cat mai dureaza pana cand apar clasamentele OD?Sunt asa dornic sa-mi vad pozitionarea in clasament!!!
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lol nicku =)))

are translator.. =))) era chiar greu? :))

OldFoxx mi se pare ca ii traduce textele...


I have 2 translators. Please speak english though ok, or provide a translation for me/all_of_us. Please :)
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any other foreigners here?
where are we all hiding?
come out come out wherever we are


You are in triburile.RO not, net or com.. We are romanians.
So learn romanian, or talk with your translators to translate your sentence. :)


I can translate for u something from the game... :D

Trib = Tribe
Lista de pozitionare = Ranking
Forumul tribului = Tribal forum
Diplomatie = Diplomacy
Cladirea principala = Village HQ
Cazarma = Barracks
Grajd = Stable
Fierarie = Smithy
Taietori de lemne = Timber camp
Mina de argila = Clay pit
Mina de fier = Iron mine
Ferma = Farm
Zid = Wall

The rest i will translate later :) Now i am tired and i go to sleep 10 mins before i play again :D:D:D


Madalin2009 trebuia sa pui si niste poze cu cladirile , pentru ca nu sunt sigur ca o sa inteleaga traduceriile ale. Poate le pui dupa ce dormi 10 minute, ca sa fii fresh:confused:


What's Timber camp??...Isn't actually Lumber camp?? Dude.....

Translation:Ce inseamna Timber camp?? este de fapt Lumber camp??


nu nu joc...d c, asa scrie? -timber-
n-am mai auzit expresia pana acuma... lumber camp am mai intalnit-o si in alte jocuri...


ii timber camp ...nuj dc :p uite si sporturile de padurari se numesc timber sports :D


Trib = Tribe
Lista de pozitionare = Ranking
Forumul tribului = Tribal forum
Diplomatie = Diplomacy
Cladirea principala = Village HQ
Cazarma = Barracks
Grajd = Stable
Fierarie = Smithy
Taietori de lemne = Timber camp
Mina de argila = Clay pit
Mina de fier = Iron mine
Ferma = Farm
Zid = Wall

Not too helpful for me actually, cuz I have picked that much up already.
1.To navigate ingame is actually very easy, I have .net to refer to if I need it, everything is in the same place here as it is in
2. The images beside the building names.
3. But more importantly is the status bar, which displays where all the clickable links take you to, in English.

What would be really helpful is some basic Romanian words like:
hello < i already know that this translates to "sal" or "salut", I have almost all my inbox mails are titled "sal" or "salut". I have a question though... does this literally translate to "hello" or does it translate to "salute"???
goodbye/goodnight/cya/bye etc. etc.
greetings/welcome/ etc. etc.
thank you
too <--- NOT "to", don't be confused. Here this sentence explains. ---> "I went to the market, I think I bought too much ham".
you are
we are
they are
he/she/it is

I'm not sure if many of you will know but "etc." means "et cetera et cetera", which is probably Latin, it sort of means "and so on and so on".

By the way most (if not all) of the above are words which I have in a text document of the German language, which a German friend of mine has taught me. Although some don't stick in my mind too well, because they are just not so easy to remember, others which are less useful, stick in my mind easier, because they are just easier to remember.

So if you have words which are easy to remember, let me know, cuz they take no effort to learn and remember. ;)
These are the important words to remember. However the real problem with learning Romanian will be that there is some funny symbol things above your letters, the same is true for learning German, however they made some changes to the German/Deutsch language a few years back, which is aimed to get around the issue of those squiggly lines. I don't know if your language has also had a squiggly line removing makeover?

Ahh, I want to post this before others start to translate for me.
i = EU
am = SUNT
the = now that's tricky, since it's generally replaced by the termination of the word, depending on the noun (masculine, feminine, singular or plural).
he = EL
she = EA
it = EL/EA/ACESTA/ACEASTA (fem and masc, respectively)
we = NOI
you = TU
yes = DA
no = NU
hello < i already know that this translates to "sal" or "salut", I have almost all my inbox mails are titled "sal" or "salut". I have a question though... does this literally translate to "hello" or does it translate to "salute"???
Hi= sal/salut

too = again, depends
goodbye/goodnight/cya/bye etc. etc. = LA REVEDERE (PA, CIAO, depends)/NOAPTE BUNA (short NB)/PA
greetings/welcome/ = SALUTARI/BINE AI VENIT
please = TE ROG
thank you =MULTUMESC
come = VINO (HAI)
not = NU
you are = ESTI
we are = SUNTEM
they are = SUNT
he/she/it is = ESTE
what = CE
was = A FOST/ERA
Thx to mater dolores for private messaging me the above. :)
Gotta post it for everyone to see though. :)
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