Iata ca reducerea numarului de jucatori si scaderea profitului pt INNO aduce si pe .uk dupa ce a fost implementata pe .ro si .us varianta de a avea avantaje in joc daca platesti PP
Care ar fi noutatile ?
De acum pt 40 de PP poti sa cresti productia de resurse la toate cele 3 mine (arg,fier,lemn) pt o saptamana cu 20 % ,nu imi dau seama cum se aplica daca creste productia pe toate satele sau trebuie sa dai 40 de PP pt fiecare sat in parte .
Unei cladiri i se poate reduce costul cu 20% daca platesti .
O cladire poate fi construita instant cand mai raman un anumit numar de minute care va fi setat ulterior .
Reducerea timpului de constructie ( asta o aveam si la noi , stim despre ce este vorba )
Aici sunt setarile,viteza 4 la lume .
Start : Monday 13th at 11.00am
Speed: 4
Unit Speed: 0.9
Multi Village start up: 2 Villages (106 points)
Noble: Packets
Price: Constant
Smithy: simple
Archers: no
Paladin: no
Bonus Villages: Yes
Barbs and Bonus Grow to: 5000
Church: No
Choice of starting location: Yes
Beginners Protection:3 Days
Tribe Limit: 6
Fake Limit: No
Farm Limit: No
Morale: No
Militia: Yes
Attack/Support Gap: 0
Attack/support arrival time: Possibility to be randomised up to 5 seconds
Night Bonus: 00:00 – 08:00
Preregistration will be active
Quest System active
new_buildtime_formula (faster building times in the beginning) active
Premium features active
Build Time Reduction
Build Instant: when there is only x minutes left in the construction, a building can be completed instantly instead of reduced
Build Cost Reduction: a building can be put into the building queue at a 20% discount)
+20% resource production for any of the 3 resources
Merchant Exchange: resources can be exchanged in the market at a 1:1 ratio
Care ar fi noutatile ?
De acum pt 40 de PP poti sa cresti productia de resurse la toate cele 3 mine (arg,fier,lemn) pt o saptamana cu 20 % ,nu imi dau seama cum se aplica daca creste productia pe toate satele sau trebuie sa dai 40 de PP pt fiecare sat in parte .
Unei cladiri i se poate reduce costul cu 20% daca platesti .
O cladire poate fi construita instant cand mai raman un anumit numar de minute care va fi setat ulterior .
Reducerea timpului de constructie ( asta o aveam si la noi , stim despre ce este vorba )
Aici sunt setarile,viteza 4 la lume .
Start : Monday 13th at 11.00am
Speed: 4
Unit Speed: 0.9
Multi Village start up: 2 Villages (106 points)
Noble: Packets
Price: Constant
Smithy: simple
Archers: no
Paladin: no
Bonus Villages: Yes
Barbs and Bonus Grow to: 5000
Church: No
Choice of starting location: Yes
Beginners Protection:3 Days
Tribe Limit: 6
Fake Limit: No
Farm Limit: No
Morale: No
Militia: Yes
Attack/Support Gap: 0
Attack/support arrival time: Possibility to be randomised up to 5 seconds
Night Bonus: 00:00 – 08:00
Preregistration will be active
Quest System active
new_buildtime_formula (faster building times in the beginning) active
Premium features active
Build Time Reduction
Build Instant: when there is only x minutes left in the construction, a building can be completed instantly instead of reduced
Build Cost Reduction: a building can be put into the building queue at a 20% discount)
+20% resource production for any of the 3 resources
Merchant Exchange: resources can be exchanged in the market at a 1:1 ratio