Discutii/lamuriri privind noile modificari ale contului premium

  • Autor subiect DeletedUser184
  • Data de început
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al dracu scumpiri eu unu mai am 32 pp cumparate cand se termina delate si succes celor care vor barbari :)) trebuie sa scapam odata si de drogul asta ,


signed.... haideti oameni buni, semnati petitia.

In caz ca nu rezolvam nimic cu petitia ar trebui luate serios in calcul optiunile:

1. Sa nu mai cumparam CP. Efectiv sa ne "bucuram" de jocul gratuit, sa nu se imbogateasca unii pe spatele nostru. Acest lucru este posibil, circulare in trib (excluderea celor care o fac) etc. Daca intr'o luna 80% dintre playeri care folosesc CP nu vor mai cumpara, ganditi'va cati bani pierde INNO... sunt sigur ca vor lua masuri atunci.
2. In caz ca nu merge, DELETE ACCOUNT... si asa vine caldura, de acei euro scoateti'va prietenii, prietenele, copii la suc pe terasa... bucurati'va de soare.


Numarul celor care au semnat petitia a depasit cifra 200.
Mai exact 209.



Intr-adevar foarte inspirat acel post, insa nu cred ca se va tine cont...

Totusi asa cum zice si @hantzu, hadeti sa semnam cu totii acea petitie, dati circulare in triburile voastre ca astfel sa avem cat mai multe semnaturi si poate intr-un final vom fi totusi luati in seama ca la urma urmei fara noi jocul asta nu ar exista.

daca nu se iau masuri si nu suntem respectati asa cum se cuvine atunci dupa cum bine zicea un coleg, de ce sa se imbogateasca altii pe spinarea mea?, deci stergere cont in masa..


Din pacate pleaca de la multe aspecte nereale. Pacat de efortul sau de a culege aceste prevederi legale, dar sunt multe lucruri care nu respecta adevarul, fortate. Nu cred ca are rost sa discutam aici.

daca ai putea sa si exemplifici cateva... eu unul am studiat cu atentie acel post si nu stiu unde ne-a mintit.


Am vrut sa aflu doar parerea ta despre acel caz, am delegat ticket-ul catre adminul care s-a ocupat de cazul respectiv.

Nu ti-am raspuns ironic si nici nu am amenintat cu nimica. Puteam sa raspund simplu. "Va rog sa nu deschideti tickete care nu v-a privesc, situatia unui cont se discuta intre adminul si jucatorul respectiv.

sefule tu nici acuma nu ai inteles despre ce e vorba in acel tiket... iata inca o dovada cat de mare improtanta dai tu .... imi zici aici de situatia unui cont ca se discuta intre admin si jucatorul respectiv... pai eu nu am discutat cu tine nimica legat de acest lcuru eu am spus asa.... jucatorul x a scris un y mesaj pe forumul extern in care acesta critica x admin si in care apare si o discutie din sistemul de suport lucru interzis de regulament.... eu am anuntat acest lucru atat.... eu nu m-am bagat intre discutia dintre adminul respectiv si jucator ci doar am sezisat o incalcare de regulament pentru care eu am luat 132 de sate in trecut pedeapsa asta e alta discutie.... si nu ne priveste cat despre faptul ca tu nu ai amentintat eu zic daca esti barbat si ai onoare lasa-ma te rog sa pun cu copy paste doar partea in care tu m-ai amenintat pe mine ieri cu inchiderea contului.

pe motiv ca ce? ca eu am sezizat o neregula a unui jucator?


ati primit si voi mesajul asta intitulat 'All Romanian Players'?


The reason that i am writing this e-mail is because there are some problems on Romanian version of Die Stämme (Triburile.ro) that you may or may not be aware off.
I am sure that this mail is to be used only on important notice, but i am also sure that you are handling this with a German professionalism that we are used to.

I will try to be as brief as possible and i hope you will understand the main problems.

1. The latest mail that we got about the changing of the Premium system and also making it more expensive, got Romanian forum on fire. In a couple of hours the comment pages turned 60 (http://forum.triburile.ro/showthread.php?t=26134), with a lot of people being very disappointed and angry of 3 main reasons :

- servers crash daily , but you still increase prices of Premium Points; last crash was for about 24h and not more than a week ago. People playing for a long time this game have got a lot of loses because they couldn't log in... everybody gets really frustrated. The strategy for the last year can be turned upside down by 24h of servers being crashed. We suggested to our administrators that the servers should be reseted 24h , just before the crash went down, but we got no answer, and we are sure that they didn't even suggested this to you.

- We seem like we get no help from the Team Triburile from .ro. We tried to explain to them that they have to be our representatives, not our guardians, they are our connection to you, Inno Games. We are just players, they should LEAD us, not treat us ironically and laugh at us, acting so superior to us. I, personally, threatened the highest administrator on our server that i will report his ignorance and unprofessionalism to you, but he didn't seem to care at all.

What we ask is not radically, this is not a complaint about them in the first place, but maybe you should keep a closer eye on them because is your Company's name involved in this. INNO GAMES. People are making a distinctive image about your company, not about them. And we have people from all the social environments playing, from doctors to lawyers, politicians to kids. I think people deserve the least of respect and feel like they are acting FOR us, not AGAINST us.

- We found all your posts about the Premium system (even if they were not posted on our forum entirely). We read that you are making this conversion in order to keep all international markets on the same standards, but you don't seem to take one thing in consideration: average Romanian wage is considerably lower than every other countries that have their TribalWars server. Our average wage is 1/4 than a German's wage, but still, the prices are the same on both servers.

The community of triburile.ro have decided to make an on-line petition in order for you to keep the prices the same: http://www.gopetition.com/online/35211/signatures.html and also as a protest they will do this protest:

Considering the last things that happened in the game [the server is not working, Tribe leaders from World one in the romanian server [www.triburile.ro] have decided to start a protest. What is all about:

On an undetermined period of time on each server we should stop wars and no one should buy premium points. We won't attack, noble, send messages, minting gold coins. For this we need every tribe leader of this world.

We think that we have a new battle, a new one, against servers that don't work, despite the fact that we pay money for this. Hopping that we will pass our personal vanity,in the game, I'm waiting for all tribe leaders to confirm that they support us.

The protest is on!

I don't know if you are aware, but on World 5 on triburile.ro 5000 villages were erased as a protest against the administrators(TT staff) a couple of years ago. World 1 is preparing to delete accounts in proportion of 80%. And the other 19 worlds are all trying to do the same.

The protest is against this 3 things:

- Changing Premium Points into more expensive ones EVEN THOUGH

- Servers don't work. They crash DAILY, one week ago they crashed for 24h

- We still have problems with Team Triburile staff, especially at the highest level.

We are used with good German services. I hope people from Triburile.ro won't be disappointed with this. People PAY to have GOOD services, at least. Not have them at all, and more, when they don't have them they are treated ironically by the staff...

I am sorry if i wrote this mail in the wrong place, even though we don't know where to turn with our daily problems on triburile.ro

Best regards from Romania,
A passionate and old fan of Tribal Wars, that don't want his favorite game to be ruined.

Keep up the good work, and PLEASE, don't ignore the people. People are everything. And a lot of them really care a lot about this game!

E foarte bine ca s-a trimis mesajul asta! Daca cei din Romania nu ne ajuta, o vor face cu siguranta ceilalti si nu ne vom opri aici. Vom cere insistent schimbarea majoritatii adminilor si moderatorilor romani. Vrem oameni competenti care sunt alaturi de noi!

Va multumesc pt unitate!

Protestul Continua!


legat de premium costurile punctelor premium pana la 8 aprile costurile noi dupa 8 aprilie....



pana la 8 aprilie dupa 8 aprilie
1.99euro -14 zile premium 3.98euro 14 zile premium
2.90 euro-o luna premium 3.99euro(plus 0.9=30 pct premium)=4.98-premium o luna
4.90euro =2 luni premium 3.99x2=7.98(400 pct premium)pentru 2 luni ai nevoie de 460 de pct premium deci mai trebuie luate inca 60 adica 1.99 cost total pentru 2 luni de premium 9.97 euro (adica cost dublu +17 eurocenti).
9.20euro=4 luni premium 9.99euro=600 pct premium (pentru 4 luni de premium ai nevoie de 920 de puncte premium in total=adica cost total 9.99euro(600pct)+3.99(200pct)+1.99x2=3.98(120 pct)rezulta cost total 17.96euro pentru 4 luni de premium.
19.00 euro=10luni premium 19.99euro=pentru 10 luni de premium ai nevoie de 2300 de pct premium adica 19.99(1500pct)+9.99(600pct)+3.99(200pct)=2300 de pct necesare pentru 10 luni de premium COST TOTAL =33.97Euro.


Din pacate pleaca de la multe aspecte nereale. Pacat de efortul sau de a culege aceste prevederi legale, dar sunt multe lucruri care nu respecta adevarul, fortate. Nu cred ca are rost sa discutam aici.

Serios!?!? Acum ai inceput sa-i faci pe toti mincinosi??? Nu te-ai multumit sa ma injosesti numai pe mine!??? Eu ma intreb inca ce mai cauti tu aici??? Cum iti permiti sa ne vorbesti in halul asta si nici un superior de-al tau sa nu ia nici o masura in acest sens? Tu nu te intrebi?

Mai ramane sa ne injurati ca la usa cortului si avem tacamul complet!

Protestul continua!


Ciudat cum un joc tip browser devine mai scump ca alte jocuri grafice care trebuie platite ptr a juca pe ligi oficiale: gen DOTA, HON, cred ca si WOW


@baghera2005 calculele tale sunt destul de elocvente, si alte cuvinte nu cred ca-si mai au rostul, doar ca probabil daca schimbarea chiar se va face atunci cei cu CP se vor imputina simtitor.


in instanta probabil ar fi usor sa spuna ca articolele alea de lege nu se pot aplica aici, fiind un caz special in care noi ne folosim de serverele lor in totalitate
mesajul nu a fost prin e-mail (si la asta se refera in articolul legat de mesaje)
iar pretul complet din cate stiu e trecut in momentul in care faci tranzactia (la sms iti spune ca te costa 2.5 eur)
nu prea are rost sa ne batem capul cu aspecte legale daca nu suntem de meserie, doar sa ne uitam peste sa nu fi facut ei o greseala grosolana, ceea ce nu cred

oricum, in instanta nu am avea nici o sansa dupa parerea mea, dar ne facem auziti altfel
nu stiu de ce s-a invatat romanul sa accepte orice mizerie, nu asa trebuie sa fie lucrurile, lupti pentru ce vrei

spunea cineva sa ne lasam de joc si gata
problema e ca mie inca imi place, si as prefera sa continuu cu el, dar nu in orice conditii
e simplu, nu iti convine ceva, protestezi
nu se schimba nimic, duci protestul la urmatorul nivel - adica renunti definitiv

asa ca, semnatarul numarul 3 al petitiei :)


uxini,dupa ce terminam cu premiumul ai putea sa organizezi si un protest pt schimbarea adminiilor si moderatorilor?
Multam in avans


Si ca o paranteza..am un cont pe lumea 19, acelasi user, faceam parte pana azidimineatza din tribul "TITS" (nume dat de adminii si moderatorii de pe triburile.ro), trib majoritar de admini/moderatori de pe toate lumile. Aseara am postat mesajul de protest, iar azidimineatza normal ca era sters!

Oare cat timp mai puneti pumnul in gura si nu dati voie ca oamenii sa-si exprime liber gandurile?!?! Sau asa sunt ordinele de "sus"??
Nu conteaza....

Protestul Continua!
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